Friday, October 5, 2007

Motion Detector Lab

Today you'll have the opportunity to record your motion and see it graphed in order to analyze your position, speed and acceleration. Once you have finished this lab, please create a blog posting about what you learned. Some suggestions to get you started:
  • Can you find a way to connect the axes of the motion detector graphs to the equations we used for calculations Thursday?
  • Can you have zero acceleration, but a positive velocity? How?
  • For a person walking away from the motion detector, how might the position and velocity graphs look either the same or different?
  • Why do you think some of the graphs were so messy/jagged/bouncy?
  • Under what circumstances would you have a graph with a positive slope versus a negative slope?
Remember, these are just some suggestions. You can write about whatever you want that is pertinent to the motion lab you completed. This should be a reflection about what you learned. You may be able to finish this at the end of class, but if not please complete your post by the end of the day on Monday. Remember to label this post "science".

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