Monday, September 24, 2007

Blogging for Labs - an ongoing assignment

After each Mission to Mars lab you will need to complete a blog posting on your personal blog. This posting will include:
  • a brief description of the lab
  • an explanation of what you learned that references the key point
  • any questions that arose from your testing or speculation you may have about why this will be important for Mission to Mars
It may be typed or video. You may also add still images, if it augments your posting. Please remember to label your post with M2M. There will be 5 minutes at the end of every lab to do your blog, but if you don't finish they must be completed within 24 hours of the lab. We will grade your posting and comment directly to your blog.

Example Blog:
Today I did a lab where I created alka seltzer rockets. Using a film canister, water and an alka seltzer tablet I was able to demonstrate Newton's 3rd law. Newton's 3rd law says for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction and it is this equal and opposite reaction that allowed my film canister to shoot up in the air almost 20 feet!

When I added water to the alka seltzer tablet it began to fizz. Closing the canister tightly trapped the gas inside and created pressure that eventually forced the lid off the canister. By setting the canister upside down on a solid surface I could take advantage of the force created. The gas pushed down on the lid that was on the ground as much as it pushed up on the body of the canister. You might think the lid is lighter and therefore easier to accelerate (as the 2nd law says) than the body of the film canister, but to move the lid you'd have to move the Earth - and that's MUCH more massive.

One thing this lab made me wonder was how does this work in space once you've already pushed off the ground of a planet and there's no air. I also wonder if its possible to have alka seltzer rockets which have multiple stages like real rockets. It's an idea I'd like to try.

Pathfinders - October 6th

As I mentioned this morning in advisory, 13 SGS 8th graders have been invited to attend the Pathfinders Award Ceremony at the Museum of Flight on Saturday, October 6th. If you are interested in attending, please write a letter explaining why you would like to attend as a representative of our school and turn it into your Women Fly folder in Sally's room no later than Friday, September 28th at 3:30pm. If we have more than 13 entries, we will draw names out of a hat to determine who will attend. The only way to be eligible for this drawing is to complete a letter stating your desire to take part in this formal dress dinner and awards ceremony. Any questions? See MM.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Bernoulli's Assignment

Thanks for a great, high energy week! I hope you're as excited about the coming events as I am. A couple of quick reminders.

1) I'm missing 7 Young Eagles field trip slips. Please submit those ASAP. If you are not planning to fly, that's fine, but please check in with me and let me know.

2) We have a field trip to the Museum of Flight on Tuesday. There is no cost to you, but please bring a lunch that doesn't require a microwave. We will be leaving school via carpools at 8:45am and leaving the museum at 2:30pm, so we should be back to school by 3pm.

3) Young Eagle's Flight Day is Friday, September 21st - weather permitting. You will need to arrange your own transportation to and from Galvin Flying Service on Boeing Field. I will distribute driving instructions next week. Bring a lunch and snacks!

After our discussion about Bernoulli's Law today, your mission is to design your own Bernoulli demonstration. In a perfect world, you would be able to bring your demo in and show it to everyone. When you do this, be prepared to explain where the fast moving fluid is, where the area of low pressure will be, and what the resulting motion should be. In other words, you must directly reference Bernoulli's law. But if your idea doesn't lend itself to an in-person demo, you may write a description/draw a sketch that fulfills the previous requirements.
This is due THURSDAY, SEPT 20th
Any questions? Feel free to email me or post a comment.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Welcome to MM's Core Blog

This blog is a spot for late breaking news that pertains to assignments, projects or events in Mary Margaret's core. I also use my google pages for posting more long term reference information. Wanna check it out? Be my guest...